Jerry iTunes Gift Card
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If you can find a way to send me the payment, I can send you the gift cards you need

If you have difficuties to make payment directly from my main page , there are several ways that may help you get around it.

  1. Send me an email and request a direct payment link for the payment.
  2. This is probably the easiest way out. 80% of the chance that you can make the payment go through even you have problems checkout in the main page. Please click and email me at Email:, be sure to include information about which card you want to order and the total amount. Direct payment link request

  3. Other Payment methods
  4. Like Western Union, Moneygram, Bank Wire, Checks or even Bit Coins. Email me if you want to pay with those method. Other payment methods

    Western Union Moneygram Bitcoin Bank Wire

Still have questions?



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Please call or send message to me on Whatsapp (+16625861688) , Skype (ID: JerryCards) or facetime (ID: . Please provide the order email address in your message.

Chat with us on WhatsApp +16625861688

Text Message to +16625861688

facetime Me? FaceTime ID:

Jerry Cards Contact QR Code

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Jerry Cards Contact QR Code

Jerry Cards Contact Information

Scan the QR code above to add us in contact

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