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Add jerrycards.com@gmail.com & jerry@jerrycards.com to
your safe sender list or contact list


Your gift cards ordered at Jerry Cards will be send to your payment email address instantly from jerrycards.com@gmail.com & jerry@jerrycards.com. Add both of them to your contact list or safe sender list to avoid delay. The following is the instruction for different email service and email clients.

  1. Gmail
  2. Add me to your contact list should be enough. Another way is to use gmail filter. Here is the link on cnet

    Cnet: How to add a whitelist to Gmail

  3. Hotmail /Windows Live
  4. Add jerrycards.com@gmail.com & jerry@jerrycards.com to the safe sender list will be enough.

    Step by step of how to add to Safe Sender List

  5. Yahoo Mail
  6. Add jerrycards.com@gmail.com & jerry@jerrycards.com to the safe sender list will be enough. Yahoo considers your address book as a "safe list"------so just enter those two addresses in it, and you should be OK.

  7. Other Email Service
  8. The procedure should be similiar. Just add both email to your contact list or safe list.


Still have questions?

Email: jerrycards.com@gmail.com

Facebook: www.facebook.com/JerryCardsUSA

Click to Download Jerry Cards e-Business Card

Please call or send message to me on Whatsapp (+16625861688), Skype (ID: JerryCards) or facetime (ID: jerrycards.com@gmail.com).

Please provide the order email address ( ) in your message.

Jerry Cards Contact QR Code

Scan the QR code above to add us in contact

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